(side note - and this always makes me laugh - You know all that "hand-carved" Victorian furniture you see on eBay - MACHINE MADE ... yup yup ... how in the world could it all have been made entirely by hand. Did we all really forget 3rd grade history and the whole story of mechanization and the Victorian Industrial Revolution ? OH ... and why are we all such suckers for that term "hand-carved")
According to the book, and the reprinted catalog page, it was made by Clarke Bros. & Co. but oddly, there is no information about this company (like where they were, when they were in existence, etc...)
If anyone knows anything, please e-mail me. I love the little cabinet nonetheless, but wouldn't it be great to know more about it !
I just discovered that the Clarke Brothers Furniture Co. was located in Cincinnati OH. This makes sense since I have found three items on the reprinted catalogue pages that I have bought in the Louisville area. More info as I discover more ...